Wednesday 17 April 2013

Step it up

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So last night the fear finally got the better of me. I dusted off my trainers, spent a frantic ten minutes searching my entire house for my iPod armband thingy (it was very sensibly in my gym bag after all) and squashed myself back into my running leggings. The reason for the fear is that on June 15th (less than two months away!!!) Lucy, Freya and I will be taking part in The Zest Challenge. This is a 10km run with obstacles thrown in for good measure.

Now I thought I would be golden for this one, I ran the Royal Parks Half marathon last year in a not too shabby time. Five minutes after leaving my house though I realised it was going to be so much harder than I thought. I am seriously out of shape!! I huffed and puffed my way once around Finsbury Park (approximately 3km) and I swear I nearly died. Now this could be a little to do with the Green and Black's Easter egg I scoffed about 30 mins before the run, but mostly I think I need to train my ass of from now until June.

So with my new found focus on the task in hand, I thought it would be nice to update my running music a little as well. Nothing too crazy, mostly mid tempo to get me started off. I'm going to try it out tonight and hopefully will make it the whole way through the playlist, it's only 11 tracks, surely I can do that...? Wish me luck!

sly little playlist


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